(dial tone) on LINE Port 2 first. If LINE Port 2 is not available (another
device is using it), the Plug and Play Phone Line Manager XL will check LINE
Port 4, then LINE Port 3, etc. If all lines are in use, then the requesting IST
Port will get no dial tone to indicate no line available.
Each “line present” switch is factory-set initially in the “ON” position. If a
LINE Port has no line connected to it, or if the line is to be restricted for
incoming calls only, the “line present” switch should be set to the “OFF”
position. The Hunt Enabled/Disabled settings determine the mode of
operation for handling an incoming call. When hunt is disabled (the Hunt
Enabled/Disabled switch is in the “OFF” position), an incoming call is
connected through to the same-numbered IST Port. Example: LINE Port 1
connects to IST Port 1, LINE Port 2 to IST Port 2, etc. If the desired IST Port
is in use (connected to another line), the call is left unconnected in the Plug
and Play Phone Line Manager XL, causing a ring-no-answer (RNA) condition.
This is desirable on a modem or fax line, since normally an incoming line is
associated with a single device that must be available when called. However,
when the Plug and Play Phone Line Manager XL is installed in front of a
telephone system KSU or PBX, this RNA condition defeats the hunt sequence
that a telephone company normally provides when an incoming call is
directed to a main number which is busy. In such an application you would
set hunt enabled “ON” for each line connected to the Plug and Play Phone
Line Manager XL in front of the KSU or PBX. This causes the Plug and Play
Phone Line Manager XL to hunt from IST Port to IST Port on an incoming
call when the first port or ports in the sequence are busy.
In most applications, the Hunt Enabled/Disabled switches should be in the
“OFF” position. The switches should be set to the “ON” position only when an
application calls for an incoming call ringing into a device that is busy to
forward to the next device. The following are incoming-call applications
where hunt enabled should be set to the “ON” position: modem pooling, fax
pooling, and sharing lines with a KSU or PBX telephone system. You must set
at least two or more consecutive switches to the “ON” position to create a loop
or pool.
Since the Plug and Play Phone Line Manager XL routes the 3 (4 or 8)
telephone lines directly through to the Incoming IST Ports, as listed in
Section 3.1
, take this into account when placing the Plug and Play Phone Line
Manager XL in front of a KSU or PBX system, or when matching incoming
telephone numbers with IST devices during installation. Only the Incoming
IST device ports are capable of receiving incoming calls.
Each “hunt enabled” switch is factory-set initially in the “OFF” position.