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Appendix B. Firmware upgrades for basic extender installations
Extender systems (or individual DCX-DVR units) can be upgraded using a USB stick if required. This is carried out as follows:
1 Connect the DCX-DVR to a compatible display and keyboard; optionally connect to a DCX SAM module using a CATx data
cable to upgrade it at the same time.
2 On the DCX-DVR unit, insert a FAT32-formatted USB stick containing the extender firmware upgrade file into one of the
front USB ports.
Note: The extender firmware upgrade file must be in the root folder.
3 Apply power to the DCX-DVR unit and DCX SAM modules.
IMPORTANT: Ensure power remains uninterrupted throughout the upgrade process.
4 Press-and-hold the recessed reset button for ten seconds until the PWR indicator begins to flash quickly, then release the
reset button.
5 When prompted, type in the name of the extender firmware upgrade file and press Enter.
6 Type Y or N as appropriate, when asked if an attached (DCX SAM) transmitter unit should also be upgraded.
7 The display will show the upgrade progress and confirmation message.
8 If successful the DCX-DVR and DCX SAM modules will automatically be rebooted and the USB stick can be removed.