For your own safety, turn switch OFF and remove plug from power outlet before adjusting or aligning your planner.
Unit will not start.
1. Cord not plugged in.
2. Circuit fuse is blown.
3. Circuit breaker is tripped.
4. Cord or switch is damaged.
1. Plug tool into a working outlet.
2. Replace circuit fuse. (If the product
repeatedly causes the circuit fuse to
blow, discontinue use immediately and
have it serviced at a Black & decker
service center or authorized servicer.)
3. Reset circuit breaker. (If the product
repeatedly causes the circuit breaker
to trip, discontinue use immediately
and have it serviced at a Black & Decker
service center or authorized servicer.)
4. Have cord or switch replaced at a
Black & Decker service center or
authorized servicer
Solamente para propósito de Argentina:
Importado por: Black & Decker Argentina S.A.
Marcos Sastre 1998
Ricardo Rojas, Partido de Tigre
Buenos Aires, Argentina
CP: B1610CRJ
Tel.: (11) 4726-4400
Imported by/Importado por:
Black & Decker do Brasil Ltda.
Rod. BR 050, s/n° - Km 167
Dist. Industrial II
Uberaba ˆ MG ˆ Cep: 38064-750
CNPJ: 53.296.273/0001-91
Insc. Est.: 701.948.711.00-98
S.A.C.: 0800-703-4644
Solamente para propósitos de Colombia
Importado por: Black & Decker de Colombia, S.A.
Carrera 85D # 51-65, Bodega 23
Complejo Logístico San Cayetano
Bogotá - Colombia
Tel.: 744-7100
Solamente para propósito de Chile:
Importado por: Black & Decker de Chile, S.A.
Av. Pdte. Eduardo Frei M. 6001-67 Conchalí
Santiago de Chile
Tel.: (56-2) 687 1700
Impresso em China
Impreso en China
Printed in China
Solamente para propósito de México:
Importado por: Black & Decker S.A. de C.V.
Bosques de Cidros, Acceso Radiatas No.42
3a. Sección de Bosques de las Lomas
Delegación Cuajimalpa,
05120, México, D.F.
Tel.: (52) 555-326-7100
R.F.C.: BDE810626-1W7
Black & Decker del Perú S.A.
Av. Enrique Meiggs 227.
Pque. Industrial - Callao
Tel.: (511) 614-4242
RUC 20266596805