Quick reference
Model numbers covered by this document
The B&K Precision DC Loads covered by this manual are:
Unless otherwise noted, this document will refer to all of these instruments as the DC Load.
Instrument differences, where appropriate, will be noted.
Options and accessories
The items included with the instrument are:
1. Power cord
2. User manual
3. Installation CD with application software PV8500 and USB driver for optional TTL to USB
4. TTL to RS232 serial converter IT-131
5. Test report
Optional accessories are:
6. rack mount kit IT-E151
7. TTL to USB serial adapter IT-132
Overview of instrument
The DC Load is a two terminal device that can be connected to DC sources. Here, a DC source is a
voltage that is always positive on the DC Load's + terminal referenced to the - terminal.
DC Electronic Loads are used for design, manufacturing and evaluation of DC power supplies,
batteries, and power components. Other applications include fuel-cell and photovoltaic cell test. The
DC Load can operate under the following modes:
Draw a constant voltage from a DC source.
Draw a constant current from a DC source.
Draw a constant power from a DC source.
Present a constant resistance to the DC source (this behavior simulates a perfect resistor
8500 DC Load Series
Version: February 4, 2009
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