Battery Capacity Analyzer User Manual
3.1 Quick Test Mode - Pass/Fail
The Pass/fail option compares a batteries’ internal resistance to a known good nominal value and determines if the
battery under test is PASS or FAIL. The Nominal Internal Resistance or “NIR” value is optional. If the NIR is set to the
default of value of N/A the 603B will display RS: N/A. The NIR entered is compared to the battery under test measured
IR. If the battery under test is less than or equal to 160% of the NIR value the 603B will display “RS: PASS” in the field. If
the value is above 160% the 603B will display “RS: PASS” in the field.
Example: The NIR is set by the user to 23 milliohms then the threshold can be calculated:
160% X NIR = 1.6 X 23 = 36.8
If the 603B measured IR is equal to or greater than 36.8 the 603B will display RS: FAIL
Three methods can be used to determine the “NIR” value to be enter.
1. Find the IR value on the battery manufacturer’s data sheet.
2. Use the 603B to measure the IR of a known good battery of the same type.
3. Use another battery analyzer like the B&K Precision model BA6010 to measure batteries’ IR.
Note: The known good battery should be new and made by the same manufacturer with the same model number.
1. Set the Ah value as describe in Quick Test, SOC section.
If the Ah value is correct move to the next step.
2. Press the button to move the cursor over to the “NIR = …“ field.
The range includes N/A and 1 to 100. Press and hold is also supported for rapid changes.
3. Enter the NIR using the buttons. Press and hold is also supported for rapid changes.
4. Press the button to proceed.
The NIR entered is compared to the battery under test measured IR. If the battery under test is less than or equal to
160% of the NIR value the 603B will display will indicate PASS in the “RS:” field. If the value is above 160% the 603B will
display will indicate FAIL. This percentage cannot be changed
VO : 12. 66
SOC : 90
VL : 12. 22
IR : 25m RS : PASS
Quick test results screen
Note: The Ah and NIR values are both saved to support rapid test of several batteries of the same type.