[email protected]
+380 44 507 02 07
Safety requirements within installation and maintenance of
"BI-520L TREK" tracking device
Technical staff involved in installation of tracking device is in charge for
compliance with security measures, as well as the staff responsible for
equipment at the work area.
Work area shall be in conformity with the fire safety regulations in
accordance with GOST 12.1.004 and electrical safety in accordance with GOST
Vehicles at the work area shall comply with the occupational safety and
health rules in accordance with the DNAOP (State regulations on labor
protection) 0.00-1.28-97.
To prevent damage, device shall be stored in a shock-proof packaging.
Before using, place the device so that you can see the indication display
elements. Before connecting/disconnecting the power socket and
inputs/outputs, turn off the power supply.
Transportation and storage
Transportation of tracking device in the transport packaging of the
manufacturer is allowed by all kinds of enclosed land and sea transport (rail
cars, containers, vehicles of closed type, bilges, etc.). Transportation in
pressurized heated compartments of the aircraft is allowed. Transportation
and storage shall be carried out under conditions in compliance with storage
conditions 3 according to GOST 15150-69.
Transportation and storage shall comply with requirements specified by
the signs on the packages.
Warranty period of operation of tracking device "BI-520L TREK" is 12
months from the date of sale of the device.
The warranty obligations of the manufacturer are valid if the consumer
observes the requirements of this manual. In case of their violation, or at any
mechanical or electrical damages caused by factors other than specified by
this manual, the warranty shall be considered null and void.