Bird Technologies Manual 7-9570-1-1
(Rough Draft)
08/19/16 Page 17
UL2 is > 50 dB. The ports that interface to the Base
Station are SMA type (female). RF patch cables
are used to patch the BIU ports to the customers
Base Station and the POI Module.
Each downlink signal path in the module contains
attenuation and filtering. One of the attenuation
stages is adjustable and is used to adjust the sig-
nal strength to proper levels before feeding the sig-
nals into the POI module. In the uplink direction
there is also filtering and attenuation as well as an
amplifier stage. The adjustable attenuation stage is
used to adjust the signal and the noise level into
the base station uplink.
All connections necessary are made from the front
of the BIU module itself. The maximum recom-
mended input power to the BIU is 30 dBm. The
module has high power alarms which activate at
input signal levels > 30 dBm and low power alarms
which activate at signal levels < 10 dBm. Signals
with an input power higher than the recommended
maximum can cause permanent damage to the
module. It is therefore recommended that when-
ever connecting to high power base stations the
customer place an inline attenuator between the
base station and BIU module to ensure that the
input power to the BIU can never exceed the speci-
fied maximum.
There is also an alarm port (DB9 connector) on the
BIU module which in the future can be used to con-
nect external alarms. This connector is currently
not in use.
The unit has two LEDs located on the front panel.
One is the power on LED (green) and the other is
the alarm LED (red). Both LEDs can indicate a
number of states by different flashing behaviors.
Refer to table 3
In an alarm state the web interface
should be used to check the actual condition of the
B I U m o d u l e. T h e f r o n t p a n e l a l a r m L E D i s
designed to give a quick indication that an alarm
condition exists and is also useful for locating an
alarming BIU module when you are dealing with a
rack that contains several BIU modules in it.
Channel 1
Channel 2
Figure 10:
BIU Module. Front plate close-up also shown.