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Chapter 2: Hardware installation
BIH11-IHP User’s Manual
VGA Support
If Auto, only install Legacy OpRom with Legacy OS and logo would NOT be shown during post.
EFI driver will still be installed with EFI OS.
Options: EFI Driver (Default) / Auto
USB Support
If Disabled, all USB devices will NOT be available until after OS boot. If Partial Initial, USB
Mass Storage and specific USB port/device will NOT be available before OS boot. If Enabled,
all USB devices will be available in OS and Post.
Options: Partial Initial (Default) / Disabled / Full Initial
PS2 Devices Support
If Disabled, PS2 devices will be skipped.
Options: Enabled (Default) / Disabled
Network Stack Driver Support
If Disabled, Network Stack Drivers will be skipped.
Options: Disabled (Default) / Enabled
Redirection Support
If disable, Redirection function will be disabled.
Options: Disabled (Default) / Enabled
New Boot Option Policy
This item controls the placement of newly detected UEFI boot options.
Options: Default (Default) / Place First / Place Last