Chapter 2: Hardware installation
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BIH11-IHP User’s Manual
TPM2.0 UEFI Spec Version
This item select the TCG2 Spec version support. TCG_1_2: the Compatible mode for Win8/
Win10 ; TCG_2: Support new TCG2 protocol and event format for Win10 or later.
Options: TCG_2 (Default) / TCG_1_2
Physcal Presence Spec Version
This item select to Tell O.S. to support PPI Spec Version 1.2 or 1.3. Note some HCK tests might
not support 1.3.
Options: 1.3 (Default) / 1.2
Device Select
This item TPM 1.2 will restrict support to TPM 1.2 devices, TPM2.0 will restrict support to TPM
2.0 devices, Auto will support both with the default set to TPM2.0 devices if not found, TPM
1.2 devices will be enumerated.
Options: Auto (Default) / TPM 1.2 / TPM 2.0
Smart Fan Control
CPU Smart FAN1 & System Smart FAN1
This item allows you to control the CPU/System Smart Fan function.
Options: Disabled (Default) / Auto
Note: The following items appear only when you set the Smart Fan function to [Auto]
CPU Fan Calibrate
Press [ENTER] to calibrate CPU Fan speed.
Control Mode
This item provides several operation modes of the fan.
Options: Manual / Quiet / Aggressive
Fan Ctrl OFF(°C)
When CPU temperature is lower than this value, the CPU fan will keep lowest RPM.
Options: 10 (°C) (default)
Fan Ctrl On(°C)
When CPU temperature is higher than this value, the CPU fan controller will turn on.
Options: 20 (°C) (Default)