The specifications shown in the images below are based on the standard status of the
product. If defected, please stop using the device and contact Biospace or designated
distributor for immediate exchange.
A. Results Sheet
When using the InBody170 with a printer, it is strongly
recommended to use the results sheet supplied by Biospace.
Results sheet size
210mm * 297mm (A4 type)
Number of sheets
500 / 1box
Printer condition
4 colors
Biospace Co., Ltd
B. Thermal Printer Roll Paper
Only the thermal printer provided by Biospace can be used with the InBody170
Result sheet Size : Width 57mm
External diameter 45mm
C. InBody tissue
The following diagram and specifications describe the InBody tissue. If you find any
abnormality or defects with the tissue, stop using it and contact the Biospace or one of the
distributors to get it replaced.
The specifications of InBody tissue are:
Expiration date
The date on the box
Packing Material
Packing Size
100mm x 75mm
Tissue Size
205mm x 185mm
300 packs per box Manufacturer
Biospace Co., Ltd.