(6) WHR, Visceral Fat, BMR
WHR (Waist-Hip Ratio)
Waist-Hip Ratio (WHR) means ratio of waist and hip circumference. The InBody170 yields
WHR value saving the effort of tape measurement, using the principle which figures out
body size with segmental bioimpedance and reference of empirical factors.
The normal ranges are 0.80~0.90 for male and 0.75~0.85 for female. Abdominal obesity is
diagnosed in case of over 0.95 for male and 0.90 for female
1.Judith E. Brown, Nutrition Now, 2nd edition, pp9-8, published by West/Wadsworth, 1999.
2.NIH, Bioelectrical impedance analysis in body composition measurement: National Institutes of Health ,1996.
Technology Assessment Conference Statement, 524S-532S, December 12-14, 1994.
Visceral Fat (Visceral Fat Level, level)
Visceral fat level refers to the visceral fat area. Body fat is divided into categories depending
on the location of the fat: visceral fat, subcutaneous fat, and the fat between your muscles.
An individual with a visceral fat area of more than 100cm
is considered to be abdominally
obese in the visceral fat area. So an individual with a visceral fat level of more than 10 level
is considered to be abdominally obese in the visceral fat.
* Generally, even though infants have a high WHR (Waist Hip Ratio), they have low visceral fat than
adults. The reason is because infants have mostly subcutaneous fat. The older we are, the visceral fat
area might increase even if WHR remains the same.