Frequently Asked Question (FAQs)
Even if no problems arise from the equipment, users may still have many questions
especially regarding clinical procedures. Below are a few of the more common questions
with answers. If additional questions or more clarification is desired, please contact us by E-
mail. The E-mail address for clinical questions is as follows:
E-mail: [email protected]
Where can I buy printer paper and other optional devices?
Please contact Biospace or the local distributor
How do I know the measurement taken is correct?
After taking the measurement, check the impedance at the bottom of the results sheet
printed. The impedance value must decrease in the arrow direction
Q3. How do I clean the hand/foot electrodes?
Please use InBody tissues provided by Biospace and wipe the hand/foot electrodes.
InBody tissues have antibacterial functionality which protects cross-contamination.
Q4. Do I have to use InBody tissue? Can I just use wet cloth?
The InBody tissue that comes with the InBody170 is specially designed for optimal testing,
as opposed to other wet cloth. Always use the InBody tissue for accurate testing.
Q5. Must socks or stockings be removed from the feet for analysis?
Bare skin contact is essential in the analysis using the BIA method. Socks or stockings may
cause a certain amount of distortion in the results. Socks and stocking must be removed to
obtain accurate data.