3.2 SKC CalCheck
The Defender may be set to automatically calibrate SKC’s
2000 and Leland Legacy pumps, with the purchase
of a CalChek communications cable from SKC (for details
please contact SKC at www.skcinc.com). On your Defender,
set Setup>Preferences>Data Port to <SKC> highlight CONFIRM
and press the Enter button before taking measurements.
3.3 Defender Firmware Upgrades
The Defender firmware is upgradable through the Data Port.
Firmware upgrades and procedures for your Defender are
available online through our website (www.biosint.com).
4.0 Annual Maintenance and Calibration
Assuring top performance and accuracy
Your Defender is a precision measuring standard with moving
parts machined to extremely close tolerances. Various environ-
mental factors, product wear, drift of sensors, or inadvertent
damage may adversely affect your Defender’s measurement
accuracy or general performance. For these reasons, Bios
highly recommends having your Defender annually verified by
an ISO 17025–accredited laboratory, such as Bios, to ensure its
measurement integrity.
For the ultimate in Defender maintenance and to take advantage
of any available software and mechanical upgrades, Bios offers
an annual non-mandatory Recertification program. This is a
service package that provides complete product refurbishment,
testing and available upgrades; calibration and NIST-traceable
calibration certificates.
Recertification includes a 90-day service warranty should any
related labor or parts replacements prove faulty.
Turnaround time is generally two weeks from time of receipt.
Expedited 48-hour turnaround is available.