important organs (heart, brain, muscles) can be the result. Furthermore, with long-term
increased blood pressure values, the heart will become structurally damaged.
• There are many different causes of the appearance of high blood pressure. We
differentiate between common primary (essential) hypertension, and secondary
hypertension. The latter group can be ascribed to specific organic malfunctions. Please
consult your doctor for information about the possible origins of your own increased
blood pressure values.
2.1 Normal Blood Pressure Values
Blood pressure is too high when, at rest, the diastolic pressure is above 90 mmHg or the
systolic blood pressure is over 140 mmHg.
If you obtain readings in this range, consult your doctor immediately. High blood pressure
values over time can damage blood vessels, vital organs such as the kidney, and your
Should the systolic blood pressure values lie between 140 mmHg and 160 mmHg or the
diastolic blood pressure values lie between 90 mmHg and 95 mmHg, consult your doctor.
Regular self-checks will be necessary.
With blood pressure values that are too low (i.e., systolic values under 105 mmHg or
diastolic values under 60 mmHg), consult with your doctor.
Even with normal blood pressure values, a regular self-check with your blood pressure
monitor is recommended. This way you can detect possible changes in your values early
and react appropriately.
Refer to the following table for classifying blood pressure values (units: mmHg) according
to the World Health Organization (WHO):
Systolic Blood Pressure Diastolic Blood Pressure
< 120
< 80
< 130
< 85
High Normal
130 - 139
85 - 89
• Stage 1: Mild
• Stage 2: Moderate
• Stage 3: Severe
140 - 159
160 - 179
> 180
90 - 99
100 - 109
> 110
Isolated Systolic Hypertension
> 140
< 90