• Morning Hypertension ( > 135 / 85 mm Hg): Recently, several studies have identified
elevated cardiovascular risks (heart failure, stroke, angina) associated with “morning
hypertension”. There is a typical rise in blood pressure during the physiological
changes from sleep to arising for the day.
• This device is intended for adult use only.
2. About Blood Pressure
Your blood pressure is an important parameter that can be used to monitor your health.
This device enables you to monitor your blood pressure regularly and maintain a record of
your blood pressure measurements. You can then use this record to assist your physician
in diagnosing and maintaining a healthy blood pressure level. Your blood pressure level is
determined in the circulatory center of your brain. Your nervous system allows your body
to adapt or alter blood pressure in response to different situations. Your body alters your
pulse or heart rate and the width of blood vessels through changes in muscles in the walls
of blood vessels.
Your blood pressure reading is highest when your heart pumps or ejects blood. This stage
is called your systolic blood pressure.
Your blood pressure is lowest when the heart rests (in-between beats). This is called your
diastolic blood pressure.
• Your blood pressure depends on several factors, such as age, gender, weight, and
physical condition It also depends on the environment and your state of mind at the
time of measurement. In general, your blood pressure is lower when you are asleep
and higher when you are active. Your blood pressure may be higher when recorded
at a hospital or a clinic and may be lower when measured in the relaxing comfort of
your home. Due to these variations, we recommend that you record your blood pressure
regularly at home as well as at your doctor’s clinic.
• Try to record your blood pressure regularly at the same time of the day and under the
same conditions. This will help your physician detect any extreme variations in your
blood pressure and thus treat you accordingly. The ideal time to measure your blood
pressure is in the morning just after you wake up before breakfast and any physical
activity, and in the absence of the urge to urinate. If this is not possible, try to take the
measurements later in the morning, before you start any physical activity. Relax for a
few minutes before you record your blood pressure.
• It is critical to maintain blood pressure values within a “normal” range in order to
prevent cardiovascular diseases. Increased blood pressure values (various forms of
hypertension) have associated long and medium term health risks. These risks concern
the arterial blood vessels of your body, which are endangered due to constriction
caused by deposits in the vessel walls (arteriosclerosis). A deficient supply of blood to