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videos, FAQs and more
Manuales de instrucciones completos, videos tutoriales,
preguntas frecuentes y más // Manuels d'utilisation complets,
vidéos de tutoriel, FAQ et plus // Vollständige Bedienungsanlei-
tungen, Tutorial-Videos, FAQs und mehr // Fullständiga
bruksanvisningar, instruktionsvideoklipp, vanliga frågor och mer
// Hele bruksanvisningen, opplæringsvideoer, vanlige spørsmål
og mer // Volledige instructiehandleidingen, instructievideo's,
veelgestelde vragen en meer // Täydelliset käyttöohjeet,
opetusvideot, UKK ja paljon muuta //
전체 사용
설명서, 튜토리얼 비디오,
// Manuali di
istruzioni completi, video tutorial, domande frequenti e altro //
This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is
subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not
cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any
interference received, including interference that may cause
undesired operation.
EU Compliance Statement - BioLite Inc. hereby declares that this
device is in compliance with the essential requirements and
other relevent provisions of the R&TTE Directive. A copy of the EU
Declaration of Conformity is available online at
bioliteenergy.com/euro-compliance. BioLite’s EU representative
is DSV Solutions Nederland BV, Tradeboulevard 4, Haven 528, 4761
RL Moerdijk, P.O. Box 6086, 4780 LX Moerdijk, The Netherlands.
Eye Safety
This headlamp is classified in risk group 2 (moderate risk)
according to the IEC 62471 standard.
• Do not stare directly at the lamp when lit.
• The optical radiation emitted by the lamp can be dangerous.
Avoid aiming the lamp’s beam into another person’s eyes.
• Risk of retinal damage from the emission of blue light,
particularly in children