Using Encryption
When establishing an unencrypted connection, the
number “0” must be dialed before any other number is di-
aled. This also has to be done for international connec-
tions (i.e. 0 0042 12345678).
When establishing an encrypted connection, the
number “1” must be dialed before any other number is di-
aled. This also has to be done for international connec-
tions (i.e. 1 0042 12345678).
If your NetRACER is connected to the ISDN through
an external PBX and if you have to dial a prefix code, often
“0”, to access an external line, the prefix code must be di-
aled afterwards (for example you would have to dial
1 0 0042 12345678 for an encrypted connection).
In the case the equipment is part of an “Administered
System” the pre-selector number can be discarded when
forced encryption is being used. The pre-selector can also
be changed to another number. Detailed information can
be obtained from your System Administrator.
Accessing the
The NetRACER can be configured over any of its inter-
faces using a variety of methods.