925-0301 Rev C
If weight calculations are disabled, this is simply for setting the overall height of the vessel, sensor
offset and maximum drop. The first screen is for selecting the vessel(s) to be configured, the
second screen is for entering the vessel height of the selected vessel(s), the third screen is for
setting a headroom offset and the fourth for setting maximum drop distance.
Vessel Selection – This is for selecting which vessel or vessels to configure parameters
for, choose either Set All or one particular vessel. If all vessels are to be the same or
similar use Set All, otherwise configure one at a time.
Vessel Height – For setting the overall height of the vessel.
Sensor Offset – For setting the offset or distance between the sensor and the full mark.
A positive value places the sensor below the full mark or down in the tank. A negative
value places the sensor above the full mark or up outside the tank.
SmartBob Max Drop – For setting the maximum drop distance the SmartBob will drop its
probe. If set to some value less than the height of the vessel, it would prevent the
SmartBob from dropping its probe down through the hopper outlet and into an auger.
This feature is only available when configured for protocol A and will not function
properly unless the SmartBob contains firmware v2.8 or newer. Due to detection time
within the SmartBob itself, it may actually drop up to 1.5 inches more than this setting.
If weight calculations are enabled, this is a multi-page menu for entering vessel parameters and
product density required in calculating weight. Following is a listing of the different Vessel Setup
pages and a process flowchart.
Vessel Selection – See description above.
Vessel Shape – For setting the shape of the previously selected vessel(s), choose
between circular or rectangular.
Body Height – For setting the height of the vessel’s body. Note that this is just the main
body of the vessel and not the overall height.
Body Radius – For setting the radius of a circular vessel’s body.
Body Width 1 & Body Width 2 – For setting the two widths of a rectangular vessel’s body.
Hopper Present – Choose between Yes or No on whether a hopper is present.
Hopper Height – For setting the height of the hopper, if it exists.
Outlet Radius – For setting the radius of a circular hopper’s outlet, if a hopper exists.
Outlet Width 1 & Outlet Width 2 – For setting the two widths of a rectangular hopper’s
outlet, if a hopper exists.
Sensor Offset – See description above.
Product Density – For setting the weight density of the product or contents of the vessel.
SmartBob Max Drop – See description above.