925-0301 Rev C
SB-485 Termination
This is a menu for setting whether the SmartBob network termination is switched In or Out. If the
console is the final device connected at either end of the SmartBob network choose In, otherwise
choose Out. The default setting is In. The termination must be set prior to running Auto
Add/Remove or any measurement process.
Auto Add/Remove
This is a process the operator can choose to let the console automatically scan and detect any
SmartBob sensors on the network. After selecting Auto Add/Remove, it will begin searching for
SmartBob sensors currently connected to the network and adding them to the working list. If
there are existing SmartBobs enabled, a confirmation screen will appear to make sure you want
to re-scan for new and removed SmartBob sensors. Press to cancel or
to confirm. The
operator can choose to let it scan all the way to 120 or stop it once the process has found all
known SmartBob sensors.
Since this process uses SB-485 communications, make sure that SB-485 Protocol and SB-485
Termination have previously been set.
This is a menu that allows the operator to manually add or remove SmartBob sensors to the
console’s working list. Use the , and
keys to select and accept one or more SmartBob
addresses from the list to be configured for use. After all desired addresses are assigned, use
the key to exit.
Units of Measure
This is a menu for selecting the units used for entering vessel dimensions and product density in
Vessel Setup. It also determines the units used for readings when Measurement Format is set
for Height or Cubic Units. If weight calculations are enabled, your two choices are English (ft, lbs)
or Metric (m, kg) with the default being English (ft, lbs). If weight calculations are disabled, your
two choices are Feet (ft) or Meters (m) with the default being Feet (ft).
Changing this setting will convert all stored vessel parameters from one system to the other.
Weight Calculations
This is a menu for enabling or disabling volume and weight calculations. The default is disabled.
By enabling weight calculations, the operator will be able to view measurement results as a
volume or weight in various units. The option to disable this feature is provided due to the
complexity of entering vessel parameters that may not be needed on some systems.
This setting will have an effect on the following:
1. The amount of data to be entered under Setup > Vessel Setup.
2. Selections available under Setup > Measurement Format.
3. Data presented under Measure/View.
4. Data represented by the 4-20mA output.
Vessel Setup
This is a menu for entering the vessel parameters associated with the SmartBob addresses
previously configured in Add/Remove or Auto Add/Remove. Defining vessels accurately is critical
in obtaining accurate measurement data of weight or product height.