page 6
seCtIon VI
BiKe Balance attacHments
1. Training HanDLe COMPOnenTs
& MOUnTing
(Fig. 14)
Match Steer tube quick release clamp keyway to the Fork unit stem groove.
Slide Steer tube onto Fork base unit. Secure spring-loaded pin and tighten
clamp. Tilt handle far enough back by lengthening Strut arm so supervising
adult will not kick or stride into the rear tire.
Assemble the right and left handlebars by
pressing the spring-loaded buttons and
inserting them into the T-tube
(Fig. 15)
Make certain the Button engages in the T-bar for each handlebar.
Warning: FaiLUre TO PrOPerLY engage
sPring-LOaDeD BUTTOns MaY CaUse
Figure 13a
Figure 13b
Figure 14
Figure 15