Activate Away Arm
In keypad, touch to activate Away Arm.
Remotely via SMS, send SMS content: xxxx+A0
Remotely via phone, make phone call to alarm system, after pick up, input xxxx#, you
will hear "di" sound, press 1 to activate the Away Arm.
Activate Stay Arm
In keypad, touch to activate the Stay Arm
Remotely via phone, make phone call to alarm system, after pick up, input xxxx#, you
will hear "di" sound, press 2 to active the Stay Arm
In keypad, touch then, input xxxx+OK
Remotely via SMS, send SMS content: xxxx+A2
Remotely via phone, make phone call to alarm system, after pick up, input xxxx#, you
will hear “di” sound, press 3 to disarm.
“xxxx” is the current user code, default user code is “1111”, and default
admin/installer code is “1234”. The system is working with separate wireless
LCD/LED keypads, for activate and deactive operation, please refer to manual
of wireless keypad.
Arm/Disarm System
Basic Alarm Setting
Enter into Setting Status
When system is in Disarm status, push then input admin code,
default “1234”, press “OK” to enter into setting status.
System time setting
When system is in setting status, choose “Time Setting” to modify
the current time. The time will back to default automatically once
the alarm system is complete OFF.
Time Setting
Phone No.Setting
Time Setting
Time Setting
Time Setting
Press “OK” to select and “ ” to delete the default date, then enter
with new time (XXhours, XXminute, XXsecond). Do same procedure
for date. (XXDate, XXMonth, XXYear) Press “OK” and “
” select the
week, press “OK” to confiall settings.
Alarm Receiving Phone Number
This alarm system can totally preset up to 5 personal emergency
phone numbers for alarm receiving.