Installation, Operation and Maintenance Manual
MAN712 Rev. 9
June 2021
Modbus RTU Interface
Section 8: Modbus RTU Interface
The figure below shows the bus with an ELBS-20 at the end of the bus segment.
Figure 20
on data line
No Termination
No Termination
on data line
Function Code
Modbus Name
Read Holding Registers
Preset Single Register
16 (10 Hex)
Preset Multiple Registers
Modbus Function Description
The following paragraph describes the input and output messages of ELBS-20 Modbus RTU
Interface. In all cases it is called “input signal” a data flowing from the ELBS-20 to the bus,
vice versa it is called “output signal” a data flowing from the bus to the ELBS-20.
The following functions are supported by ELBS-20 Modbus RTU Interface:
Table 11.
BUS cable
For the full list of the Holding Register of the ELBS-20 see Section 8.5.