9. The distance the fence is positioned away from the saw
blade is indicated by the witness line (S) located in cursor (E),
Fig. 31. To calibrate the cursor to the saw blade, make a test
cut with the fence locked in position. Measure the width of the
cut piece. Adjust the cursor by loosening screws (G),
adjusting the cursor until the witness line is aligned with the
same marking on the scale as the cut piece. Tighten the two
screws (G). Repeat until the width of the cut piece matches
the measurement indicated by the witness line.
10. Apply grease to locking handle (B) and camfoot (P) Fig.
32, monthly to prevent wear.
11. Apply paste wax to the fence sides and the unpainted guide
tube sliding surfaces weekly. Meguiar’s Professional Past Wax
(M-2611) is recommended. Also, saw table and extension table
surface should be waxed.
Fig. 31
Fig. 32