Biddle bv
P.O. Box 15
9288 ZG Kootstertille
The Netherlands
+31 (0)512 33 55 55
Name and telephone number of installer:
Copyright and Trademarks
All information and drawings contained in this manual are the property of Biddle and may not be used (other than
for the purpose of unit operation), photocopied, reproduced, translated and/or communicated to third parties
without prior written permission from Biddle.
The name Biddle is a registered trademark of Biddle bv.
Warranty and liability
For the warranty and liability provisions and terms, please refer to the terms & conditions of sale and supply.
At all times, Biddle shall not be held liable for consequential damages.
Liability as regards the manual
Although great care has been taken to ensure the correct and, where necessary, complete description of the
relevant components, Biddle shall not be held liable for damages as a consequence of errors and/or imperfections
in this manual.
Biddle reserves the right to alter the specifications as mentioned in this manual.
Should you nevertheless discover any errors or ambiguities in the manual, we shall be glad to learn that from you.
It helps us to improve the documentation still further.
For more information
If you have any comments or queries relating to this product, please do not hesitate to contact Biddle. You will find
the contact information for your Biddle branch in chapter