- 46 -
be horizontal because the drain pipe is al-
ready angled.
The following kits to be connected to the
boiler are available:
Wall fl ue exhaust kit ( Fig. 6.8 A)
Fig. 6.8
Type C
Coaxial pipe Ø 60/100 mm with a nominal
length of 915 mm.
This kit allows the fl ues to be exhausted in
the rear wall or at the side of the boiler.
The minimum length of the pipe must be no
less than 0.5 m, whilst the maximum with
the aid of extensions must not exceed 10
m for Activ A 25C - Activ A 30C and 6 m for
Activ A 35C.
Vertical fl ue exhaust kit with 90° bend
( Fig. 6.8 B)
Coaxial pipe Ø 60/100 mm.
This kit allows the boiler exhaust axis to be
lifted by 635 mm.
The length must be no less than 0.5 m,
whilst the maximum with the aid of exten-
sions must not exceed 10 m for Activ A 25C
- Activ A 30C and 6 m for Activ A 35C in
horizontal and however, the terminal must
always exhaust horizontally.
Additional bends at 45° or 90° ( Fig. 6.8 C)
Coaxial bends Ø 60/100 mm.
These bends when used with the pipe re-
duce the maximum length of the fl ue pipe
For the bend of 45° loss
0,5 m
For the bend of 90° loss
1 m
Exhaust intake split pipes kit Ø 80 mm
( Fig. 6.9 ) - ( Fig. 6.10 ) - ( Fig. 6.11 )
This kit allows the fl ue exhaust to be sepa-
rated from the air intake.
The terminals can be inserted in the rele-
vant chimneys planned for such purpose, or
discharge fumes or pick up air directly from
the wall.
Note: When using the twin pipe confi gura-
tion, a restrictor Ø 50mm must be fi tted be-
tween the boiler and the air intake adapter
( Fig. 6.9 ).
Restrictor is supplied within the twin pipe kit
Air intake
Fig. 6.9