Fig. 7.11
7.2.8 TEMPERATURE (Fig. 7.11)
This menu allows the working temperature to be adjusted and
the defrosting parameters to be set. Use the usual +,-, figu-
re keys to carry out the variations.
After the specific headings as listed below, the two coefficients of
each temperature probe will appear:
k1 00200
k2 00485
It is possible that these two values are different from one
distributor to another.
Specifications for the Snack or Combined configuration (the
variation fields are shown)
Tank temp
Vega temperature
[6(Snack)/1(Pan)÷15 °C, >15 °C = Off]
Temp. delta
Vega temperature hysteresis [1.0÷5.0 °C]
Safety delta
Vega safety delta [5÷50 °C]
Safety time
Vega safety time [1÷9 hours]
Defrost after
Vega defrost frequency [1÷12 hours]
Defrost for
Vega defrost duration [1÷30 minutes]
N.B.: the machine type setting (configuration) is found in
the OPTIONS menu