Add: No. 1201, E-commerce Building, Qingzhou City,
conform to rotational direction of make up (or break out). The position of the
locating handles for the upper tongs and the lower tongs should be the same. The
locating pin of the restoration mechanism for the lower tongs is fitted on the dial,
and fixed with bolts; other parts are fitted on the frame of the lower casing body.
3.4 Pneumatic System
As shown in Fig. 4, compressed air of drilling rig is used as the air source. In
order to prevent the harmful influence of the long distance airline on the airflow, the
tong preserves compressor air in the suspension rod, so the inner cavity of the
suspension rod is the reservoir (6) of the pneumatic system.
As shown in Fig. 4, the three reserving valves contro1 respectively the air tire
for high speed (1) and for low speed (2), air cylinder for shifting and cylinder for
The air cylinder for shifting and the air cylinder for gripping have been shown
respectively in Fig.6 and 7.
3.5 Hydraulic System
In order to simplify hydraulic system, only the hydraulic motor uses hydraulic oil
as source power, see Fig. 5, hydraulic oil from oil tank (8) goes through oil pump (1),
filter (2) to handle-reversing valve (4), Hydraulic motor can rotate forward and
backward by controlling the hand- reversing valve. Overflow valve (7) is installed to
restrictions max. Pressure of hydraulic system. In order to keep hydraulic system in
low-pressure condition for making up, overflow valve (6) for making up is fitted. The
pressure for making up is adjusted to the valve of about 10 MPa. This is done
before leaving the factory. The working pressure can be found according to Table 2.
In order to clear away any impurities of hydraulic oil, filter (2) is fitted on the outlet of
the oil pump. Pressure oil goes through filter (2) to hydraulic motor. It is necessary
to clean or change the core of filter timely after working a period of time so as it can
be used continuously. There are two types of driving oil pump to be selected by
customers, one is driven by belts of air compressor of the rig (Fig. 8)and another is
electrically driven (Fig. 9). There are two types of hydraulic system to be selected
by customers, one is the constant displacement gear pump and another is variable
displacement plunger pump.