Default Value is set to “3.5”
Adjustable between “1.6” – “3.6”.
4) Press the P2 key until it beeps (more than 3 seconds) to the set the brightness.
5) Pres the P2 Key and the Speed Adjustment Key (+) at the same time for more than 3 seconds to
leave the brightness setting.
6-3 Program Function
You can store your settings into memory (Speed, Gear Ratio, Direction) and then use the P1, P2 keys
to use your preferred settings.
1) Set the values for Speed, Gear Ratio, Forward/Reverse Direction.
2) Press the P1 or P2 key until you hear a beep (more than 3 seconds). When you hear the beep, the
setting is complete.
7. Sterilization
Sterilize the motor only.
For sterilization, we recommend the autoclave sterilization
Sterilization is required the first time you use the unit as well
as after each patient as noted below.
1)Turn off the power.
2) Detach the motor from the motor cord.
3) Clean the surface of the motor with a brush (Do not use a
metal brush), and wipe it with cotton and disinfectant alcohol.
4) Screw the Motor Cap to the Motor. Put the Autoclave Plug
onto the motor insert.
5) Insert into autoclave ouch. Seal the pouch.
6) Autoclavable up to a maximum of 135°C.
7) Keep the Motor in the autoclavable pouch until you are
ready to use it to keep it clean.
- Do not autoclave (or any other high temperature sterilization) Control Box, AC Adaptor, or Motor
- Do not lubricate the motor.
- Do not wipe or immerse the system in acidic water or acidic solutions.
- Do not sterilize with dirt on the surface, it may cause rust.
Autoclave Plug
Motor Cap