the distance (meters) in the middle
line during the run.
Please note that the calibration only
applies to the relevant type of pace.
If you change the type of pace, then
this has an effect on the accuracy of
the speed and distance recordings.
start / stop
End your run. The HR monitor dis-
plays the measured length of the
distance, e.g. 1596 m.
If the displayed value is lower
than the distance covered, in-
crease the value with
If the displayed value is higher
than the distance covered, de-
crease the value with
option / set
start / stop
If the calibration was successful
is displayed.
If the distance measured is shorter
than 100 m, i.e. too short for an
accurate calibration, the error mes-
bad Range
is displayed.
start / stop
CAL Distance
is displayed.
You would like to activate the
automatic lap function. Please re-
fer to page 40 “Set speed unit and
automatic lap function”.