Beurer GL44
6.3 Displaying average blood glucose values for labelled values
You can display the average measured blood glucose value for labelled values from the last 7, 14,
30 and 90 days.
Switch the monitor on using the On/Off button [4]. The initial display is shown briefly. Press
the “+” rocker switch [6] twice.
The measurement unit of the blood glucose value, “
” and the average of all measured
values are displayed.
Press “+” [6] repeatedly to display the average value of all measured values for 14, 30 and
90 days.
After the average of all measured val-
ues for 90 days is displayed
• the 7-day average for values meas-
ured “before meals”
• the symbol
• the unit of measurement for blood glu-
cose values and
• “
are shown on the display.
Press “+” [6] repeatedly to display the average blood glucose value from the last 14, 30 and
90 days for values measured “before meals” .
After displaying the average value for 90 days “before meals”
• the 7-day average for values meas-
ured “after meals”
• the symbol
• the unit of measurement for blood glu-
cose values and
• “
are shown on the display.
Press “+” [6] repeatedly to display the average value for 14, 30 and 90 days “after meals” .