BT-532C User manual
The relation between transmit data and print data change
When d6 is 1 ~ 9, should guarantee the d7, d8, d9, d10 is 0, d11 is 5 ~ 9
The starting character, terminators automatically inserted
Print EAN13 (m = 2 or 67), pay attention to:
Regardless of the length of the input data is 12 or 13, check digit automatically
inserted or error correction
The starting character, middle separator, terminators automatically inserted
Print EAN8 (m = 3 or 68), pay attention to:
Regardless of the input data length is 7 or 8, check digit automatically insert or
error correction
The starting character, middle separator, terminators automatically inserted
Print CODE39 (m = 4 or 69), pay attention to:
When d1 or not as the starting character/dn terminator "*", encoder automatically
inserted into the "*"
When the data center meet with "*", encoder as the terminator, the rest of the data
as a common data processing;
Check digit does not automatically calculate and add
Print ITF25 (m = 5 or 70),pay attention to:
Starting character and terminators automatically inserted
Check digit does not automatically calculate and add
Print CODABAR (NW - 7) (m = 6 or 71),pay attention to:
Starting operator and the end will not automatically inserts, requires the user to
manually add, scope for "A" ~ "D" or "A" ~ "D"
Check digit does not automatically calculate and add
Print CODE93 (m = 72), pay attention to: