First drive in the pegs
at the ends and corners of the
fence. Hold a rope between
these pegs using a spirit level.
This will reveal any differences
in level that need to be
smoothed out or flattened.
Along the rope, determine the
places where the posts are to
be installed.
Step 1:
Every 213 cm (for 2 m panels)
or 109 cm (for 1 m panels),
dig a 30 x 30 cm hole 50 cm
deep. Lay the first panel on
the ground. Attach it to the
first two posts (see 3.1).
Pour a small amount of
concrete (+/- 10 cm) into the
first two holes. Then place the
posts into the concrete.
Step 2:
Place at the correct height,
using the spirit level. Pour
dry concrete around the two
posts and press down firmly.
3.2 Installation with posts to be embedded in the con-