Water Maintenance
Many pollutants in the water settle on surfaces below the water line. These
pollutants can cause bacterial, algal or fungal growth. It is recommended that spas
are cleaned as regularly as necessary. After a time, tenacious stains or biofilms may
develop on the accessible surfaces below the water line or high concentrations of
salts or unwanted reaction by-products may also occur. Depending on hygienic
condition, cleanliness, visibility, odour, debris and stains, it is recommended to
change the water completely and clean/disinfect the spa. When emptying the spa,
the regulations and the instructions for draining the water shall be observed.
Keeping your spa water clean and chemically balanced is necessary. Simply
cleaning the filter cartridge is not enough for proper maintenance, we recommend
you use pool chemicals to maintain water chemistry and chlorine or bromine tablets
(do not use granules) with the chemical dispenser.
Water quality will be directly related to frequency of use, number of users and
overall maintenance of the spa. The water should be changed every
3 days if there is no chemical treatment being performed with the water.
It is highly recommended to use tap water for spa filling to minimize the influence of
unwanted content, such as minerals. Barefoot areas and relaxing areas shall be
cleaned as well. No cleaning water may flow into the spa or spa water cycle. The
dirt and cleaning agents shall be rinsed carefully to drain in the spa surround.
We recommend you take a shower before using your Lay-Z-Spa, as cosmetic
products, lotions, and other residues on the skin can quickly degrade water
quality.To use the chemical dispenser, please follow the below instruction.
Detergent residues and dissolved solids from bathing suits and chemicals may build
up on the spa walls. Use soap and water to clean the walls and rinse thoroughly.
NOTE: DO NOT use hard brushes or abrasive cleaners.
Make sure the spa and pump are completely dry. This is essential to extend the life of
the spa. We recommend using the pump to blow dry the spa, pump and pipes.
Remove the filter sets and discard the used filter cartridges. Re-attach the two
stopper caps onto the spa’s inlet and outlet valves. It is recommended you store the
spa in its original package in a warm [above 15°C (59°F)] and dry place.
Your spa is equipped with a deflation function to remove all the air from inside the
chamber to make it easier to pack and store.
For PVC part.
If the spa is torn or punctured, use the provided underwater adhesive repair patch.
1. Clean area to be repaired.
2. Carefully peel patch.
3. Press patch over area to be repaired.
4. Wait 30 seconds before inflation.
For Tritech PVC material.
If the spa is torn or punctured, use the provided PVC repair patch and glue (not included) following these steps:
1. Clean and dry area to be repaired.
2. Cut the provided PVC patch to appropriate size.
3. Use glue (not included) to coat the one side of the newly cut patch. Make sure the glue is evenly distributed.
4. Wait for 30 seconds and then place the cut patch with glue over the damaged area.
5. Smooth out any bubbles of air that may be trapped underneath, and press firmly for two minutes.
6. The product is once again ready for use. Repeat this process should further leaks occur.
7. Wait 30 minutes before inflation.
Screw valve