turns on by pushing the
On / Off switch
. After turning on the
AlphaGUARD the start screen with Bertin logo and clock is displayed for 5 sec. The
first values of the temperature, the air humidity and the air pressure are shown after
further 2 sec. In five acquisition windows all important information on the current
measurement are available. Via pushing the
Scroll up
Scroll down
Acquisition 1/5:
Current measurement values of the radon concentration in
Bq/m³ (or pCi/l), temperature in °C (or °F), relative air humidity
in %rH, air pressure in mbar or hpa (or inHg) and gamma
ambient dose rate in nSv/h (DF2000). When operating in
Radon/Thoron discrimination mode the thoron value is shown
on page one (DF2000). The radon and the thoron values are
followed by the appropriate statistical error bars.
Acquisition 2/5:
Current measurement values of the external sensors (2 x TTL
signals & 2 x analogue signals). When operating in
Radon/Thoron discrimination mode, the gamma ambient
dose rate is shown on page 2 (DF2000).
Acquisition 3/5:
Chart of two parameters. The parameters can be freely
Acquisition 4/5:
Mean value of the radon concentration and the gamma
ambient dose rate over 1 d, 24 h and since start of the
measurement. The mean values of the thoron concentration is
shown on page 4, too, when operating in Radon/Thoron
discrimination mode (DF2000)
Acquisition 5/5:
Information on adjusted measurement mode, measurement
cycle, index number of the current measurement with quantity
of measurement points and start as well as end time and
information on the interval mode
The measurement values of the radon and thoron concentration and the values
of the gamma ambient dose rate are updated according to the preset measuring
cycle. An exception is the 60-minute measuring cycle. With this cycle the
measurement display is updated every 10 minutes, while – controlled by the
internal clock – every hour a set of measurement values is stored. Such 1 hour value
is calculated for each measuring parameter by averaging the results of its latest
six 10 minutes cycles.
The values for temperature, air humidity, air pressure and from the external sensors
are updated on the display every 2 sec.