Case N°2:actuator starts closing, stops on the close limit switch, and the LED
indicating closing is still on.
Turn actuator potentiometer progressively to off the LED.
9.7 Adjustment of 100%
The local/off/remote selector must be on remote position. Move local control switch to
position 100% for the actuator to receive an opening command (20mA).
Case N°1:actuator starts opening and stops before the open limit switch.
Turn potentiometer "ADJ 100%" (adjustment of 100%) progressively clockwise
to bring the actuator on the open limit switch. Turn slowly this potentiometer in
opposite direction until the green LED goes off.
Case N°2:actuator starts opening, stops on the open limit switch, and the green LED
is still on.
Turn potentiometer "ADJ 100%" (adjustment of 100%) progressively counter-
clockwise to off the green LED.
9.8 Split Range
The positioner card can be configured for split range.
Split range means input signals 4-12mA and 12-20mA. The end user signal is normal :4-
20mA. A first actuator is set to receive a signal from 4 to 12mA and a second actuator is
set to receive a signal from 12 to 20mA. Each actuator receives the signal 4-20mA. The
first one opens completely from 0 to 50% of the signal and the second from 50 to 100%
of the signal.
Switch 1
Switch 2
Move switch 1 to position B for the actuator to receive an input signal 12-20mA.
Move switch 2 to position B for the actuator to receive an input signal 4-12mA.
9.9 Operation with a transmitter 4-20mA
In standard the actuator potentiometer is used to know the valve position.
Switch 7
Move switch 7 to position B for operation with a transmitter 4-20mA instead of the actuator
potentiometer. The CI2701 board can provide the power supply to the transmitter TAM or