© 2005 - Bernard Burton DRAFT
Step 13
: Prepare the motor cowl
- Prepare all the cowl concentric rings (CR1 – CR8) by gluing their sub-parts with CA
- Glue the concentric rings together as showed on the plan with 30’ epoxy. Verify and
eventually adjust the alignments and let the epoxy cure.
- Glue all the 5x5 mm sticks between the three CF rings. Verify and eventually adjust
the alignments and let the epoxy cure.
- Wrap the cowl with 2mm balsa sheet. Glue with 30’ epoxy.
- Sand the concentric rings on the outside to have a smooth & curved cowl noose
- Wait until the motor is installed before adjusting & fixing the cowl on the fuse
Helpful hint
: The length of the cowl should your motor length and/or its position to
allow plane balancing