© 2005 - Bernard Burton DRAFT
Step 4
: Glue F1 and then C1 in place. Before the 30’ epoxy cures, glue C3 (fuse front bottom)
and C2 (fuse front top) on their place.
Verify and eventually adjust the alignments and let
the epoxy cure.
Step 5
: Glue the S1 doublers between F1 & F2 and between F2’ and F3 on the outsides of F1.
This is to re-enforce the position where the wing struts are attached.
Step 6
: Glue F6, F7, F8 and F9 in place. Verify and eventually adjust the alignments and let the
epoxy cure.
Step 7
: Join the formers with balsa sticks:
Helpful hint
: Use a piece of scrap foam or balsa to hold the fuse sides out against
the formers while you glue the formers in place.