© 2005 - Bernard Burton DRAFT
Step 1
: Prepare the fuse sides S1.
- Glue the 3 fuse side sections together. Use a long straight edge to assure alignment
along top edge.
- Glue the front side doubler S2 on S1 with 30’ epoxy and let the epoxy cure.
Step 2
: Glue the former doubler F2a on F2 with 30’ epoxy. The second F2 former does not
require to be doubled. Let the epoxy cure.
Step 3
: Build crutch assembly, upside down, on a flat workbench. We can not emphasize enough
the importance of building this crutch square and also the alignment to the print. (This is
as important as building a straight wing). The flat surface of the formers should be placed
on the workbench.
Glue with 30’ epoxy the formers F5, F2, F2’ (doubled), F3 and F4 on their respective
places on the fuse sides S1. Be sure your start with F5 first. Verify and eventually adjust
the alignments and let the epoxy cure.
Be sure that you prepare one right side and one left side.