Operation and Menu Structure
NewSonic SonoDur-R
Issue 105 06/2020
Page 30
Manual measuring without a probe shoe and with extended vibration rod
In the device menu Settings (Figure
) the measuring mode with extended probe
tip (approx. 4 mm) can be selected. In the measurement menu, this is displayed as 'Manual' in the
field “Test force”
). For hardness testing, the operator should carefully press the vibrating
rod onto the test material by hand. Shortly after the test piece has made contact, the penetration
time is count down
and the measuring is invoked. After the complete manual measuring is performed, an arrow is
displayed on the screen to indicate that the probe should be lifted (Figure
). When measuring
without a protective sleeve, the vibrating rod is carefully placed by hand and the probe is pressed
down slightly (approx. - 4 mm) and held until the measuring time has expired (1 to maximum 2
seconds). Here again, extensive practical training is recommended.
Performing a measurement with hand-held measuring probes
Measuring is only possible when the SonoDur-R display device is in measuring mode. The test force
must be applied manually against a spring system in the probe housing; the measuring is performed
automatically when the nominal force is reached.
As a rule, the forces are usually much higher compared to motor probes HV1-10N, HV5-50N or HV10-
100N) and the spring is already heavily preloaded, so that the nominal testing force is reached after a
very short distance - approx. 0.6 mm penetration path. This requires very careful handling with hand-
held measuring probes to avoid damaging the diamond by placing it too abruptly!
Hold the probe perpendicular to the surface and lightly place the tip of the diamond in position.
Subsequently press the probe at moderate speed evenly against the spring until it reaches the
mechanical end stop.
The hardness value is assessed before reaching the end position and displayed instantaneously on
the screen, in addition an acoustic signal sounds. The color bar indicates the speed of the force
Figure 7.29
Figure 7.30
Figure 7.31
Figure 7.32
The dwell time is set to 0 sec in this operating mode (is automatically preset when a hand-held
measuring probe is detected) and must be monitored before commencing the measuring!