4.3 Switching off
Temporary switching off
In case of absence for short periods of time, set the mode selector (2 - fig. 1a)
“ (OFF)”
Anti-frost device remains active.
Long period switching off
In case of absence for long periods of time, set the mode selector (2 - fig. 1a)
to “ (OFF)”.
Then, close the gas tap present on the system. In this case, anti-frost device
is deactivated: empty the systems, in case of risk of frost.
4.4 Light signals and faults
The control panel has two led that indicate the boiler operating status:
Green led
- Flashing with frequency 0.5 second on - 3.5 seconds off = boiler in stand-by,
there is no flame.
- Flashing with frequency 0.5 second on - 0.5 second off = temporary stop of
the appliance due to the following self-restoring faults:
- water pressure switch (standby time 10 minutes approximately)
- transitory waiting for ignition.
In this phase, the boiler waits for restoration of working conditions. If after
standby time, the boiler will not restore regular operation, stop will be permanent
and light signalling will be red.
- Fast flashing (frequency 0.1 sec. on; 0.1 sec. off; duration 0.5) input/output
function S.A.R.A. (Italian acronym for Environment Automatic Adjustment
System) - Fig. 5a.
By setting the heating water temperature selector to the area marked by
AUTO - temperature value from 55 to 65°C - the S.A.R.A. self-adjusting
system is activated: the boiler varies the delivery temperature according
to the closing signal of the ambient thermostat. When the temperature set
with the heating water temperature selector is reached, a 20 minutes count
begins. If during this period the ambient thermostat still requests heat, the
value of the set temperature automatically increases by 5 °C.
When the new value is reached, other 20 minutes count begins.
If during this period the ambient thermostat still requests heat, the value of
the set temperature automatically increases by 5 °C.
This new temperature value is the result of the temperature set manually
with the heating water temperature selector and the increase of +10 °C of
the S.A.R.A function
After the second increasing cycle, the temperature value is restored to the
value set by the user and the above mentioned cycle is repeated until the
ambient thermostat request is fulfilled.
Fixed green
If there is flame, the boiler works regularly.
Red led
The red led indicates a boiler lockout due to the following faults:
- flame lockout
- flue gas thermostat triggered
- NTC heating probe
- ACF electronic fault alarms
- water pressure switch (after transient phase)
- limit thermostat intervention
To reset operation, place the mode selector (2 - fig. 1a) on
, wait 5-6 seconds
and take it then to the desired position: summer or winter mode.
If the boiler does not restore normal operation, contact the Technical Assist
ance Service.
Green flashing led + red flashing led
When the LEDs flash
it is a domestic water probe alarm
The boiler works regularly, but stability of the domestic hot water temperature
is not guaranteed.
Contact the Technical Assistance Service for a control.
When the LEDs flash
it means that there is a calibration pro-
cedure in progress.
4.5 Adjustments
The boiler has already been adjusted by the manufacturer.
If it is necessary to adjust it again, for example after extraordinary mainte
nance, after replacement of gas valve or after gas conversion, carry out the
following procedure.
The maximum output adjustment must be carried out in the sequence
indicated exclusively by qualified personnel.
- remove the shell unscrewing the fixing screws A (fig. 15)
- unscrew by two turns the screw of the pressure test point downstream the
gas valve and connecting the pressure gauge
4.5.1 Maximum power and minimum domestic hot water
- Fully open the hot water tap
- on the control panel:
- set the mode selector to
(summer) (fig. 16)
- turn the domestic hot water temperature selector to ist maximum (fig. 17)
- power the boiler setting the system main switch to “on”
- check that the pressure on the pressure gauge is stable; or with a milliam
meter in series to the modulator, make sure that the modulator supplies the
maximum available current (120 mA for G20 and 165 mA for LPG)
- carefully prise out the protection cap of the adjustment screws, using a
screwdriver (fig. 18)
- with a fork spanner CH10 use the adjustment nut of the maximum output
in order to obtain the value indicated in table on page 8
- disconnect the modulator faston
- wait until the pressure on the pressure gauge is stable at minimum value
- paying attention not to press the internal shaft, with a Phillips screwdriver
turn the red adjustment screw to regulate the domestic hot water minimum
temperature and calibrate until the pressure gauge reads the value indicated
in table on page 8
- reconnect the modulator faston
- close the domestic hot water tap
- carefully refit the protection cap of the adjustment screws.
4.5.2 Minimum and maximum heating electric adjustment
The “electric adjustment” function is activated and deactivated exclusively
by the jumper (JP1) (fig. 19).
The function can be enabled in the following way:
by powering the card with the jumper JP1 inserted and the mode selector in
winter position, independently from the possible presence of other operation
by inserting the jumper JP1, with the mode selector in winter position, without
heat request in progress.
By activating the function the burner is ignited through simulation of heat
request in heating.
To perform calibration operations, proceed as follow:
- switch off the boiler
- remove the shell and access the card
- insert the jumper JP1 (fig. 19) to enable the knobs placed on the control
panel to the minimum and maximum heating adjustment functions
- make sure that the mode selector is in winter position (see section 4.2)
- power the boiler
Electric card in voltage (230 Volt)
turn the heating water temperature adjustment knob B (fig. 20) until it reaches
the heating minimum value as indicated in the multigas table on page 8
- insert the jumper JP2 (fig. 19)
turn the domestic hot water temperature adjustment knob C (fig. 20) until it
reaches the heating maximum value as indicated in the multigas table on
page 8
- remove the jumper JP2 to store the heating maximum value
remove the jumper JP1 to store the heating minimum value and to get
out the calibration procedure
Disconnect the pressure gauge and retighten the pressure test point
o finish the calibration function without storing the set values, proceed
as follows:
a) set the mode selector to position (OFF)
b) remove power supply voltage
The calibration function is automatically finished, without storing minimum
and maximum values, after 15 minutes of its activation.
The function is automatically finished also in case of definitive stop or
Also in this case, function conclusion DOES NOT provide values
To calibrate only maximum heating, it is possible to remove the jumper JP2
(to store the maximum) and then get out from the function, without storing
the minimum, setting the mode selector to (OFF) or removing the voltage
from the boiler.