To restore operation (deactivate alarms):
Faults A 01-02-03
Position the function selector to
(fig. 32), wait 5-6 seconds then
set it to the required position
(summer mode) or
(winter mode).
If the reset attempts do not reactivate the boiler, contact the Technical As-
sistance Centre.
Fault A 04
In addition to the fault code, the digital display shows the symbol .
Check the pressure value indicated by the water gauge: if it is less than 0.3
bar, position the function selector to
(OFF) (fig. 32) and adjust the filling
tap until the pressure reaches a value between 1 and 1.5 bar. Then position
the mode selector to the desired position
(summer) or
The boiler will perform one purge cycle lasting approximately 2 minutes. If
pressure drops are frequent, request the intervention of the Technical As-
sistance Service.
Fault A 06
The boiler operates normally but cannot reliably maintain a constant do-
mestic hot water temperature, which remains set at around 50°C.
the Technical Assistance Centre.
Fault A 07
A 08
Contact the Technical Assistance Centre.
Fault A 09 with fixed red LED lit
Position the function selector to (OFF) (fig. 32), wait 5-6 seconds then
set it to the required position (summer mode) or (winter mode). If the reset
attempts do not reactivate the boiler, request the intervention of the Techni-
cal Assistance Service.
Fault A 09 with flashing red and green LEDs
The boiler is equipped with an auto-diagnostic system which, based on the
total number of hours in certain operating conditions, can signal the need
to clean the primary exchanger (alarm code 09 with flashing red and green
LEDs and flue gas meter >2.500). Once the cleaning operation has been
completed, using the special kit supplied as an accessory, the total hour
meter will need to be reset to zero as follows:
- switch off the power supply
- remove the housing
- loosen the fixing screw then turn the instrument panel
- loosen the fixing screws on the cover (
) to access the terminal board
(fig. 16)
- while the boiler is powered up, using a small screwdriver included, press
button (fig. 26) for at least 4 seconds, to check the meter has
been reset, power down then power up the boiler; the meter reading is
shown on the monitor after the “-C-” sign.
Live electrical parts (230 V AC).
the meter resetting procedure should be carried out after each
in-depth cleaning of the primary exchanger or if this latter is replaced. To
check the status of the total hour meter, multiply the reading by 100 (e.g.
reading of 18 = 1800 total hours; reading of 1 = 100 total hours).
The boiler continues to operate normally even when the alarm is activated.
Fault A 77
This is an automatic-reset fault, if the boiler does not restart, contact the
Technical Assistance Centre.
Fixed yellow LED
Pre-heating function activated.
Flashing yellow LED
Combustion analysis in progress.
Water pressure switch intervention
flashing 0.5 on/
0.5 off
Temporary stop
Calibration service
flashing 0.5 on/
0.5 off
flashing 0.5 on/0.5
flashing 0.5 on/
0.5 off
Calibration installer
Chimney sweep
flashing 0.5 on/0.5
Vent cycle
flashing 0.5 on/
1.0 off
flashing 0.5 on/1.0
flashing 0.5 on/
1.0 off
Pre-heating active function
Pre-heating heat request
External probe presence
Domestic water heat request
Heating heat request
Antifreeze heat request
Flame present
4.4 Alarm records
The “ALARM RECORDS” function starts automatically once the display has
been on for 2 hours, or immediately by setting the P1 parameter to 1.
The records include all the latest alarms, up to a maximum of 5 alarms, and
they are displayed in sequence by pushing and releasing the P1 button on
the display board. If the records are empty (P0=0) or if tracking the same is
disabled (P1=0), the display function is not available. Alarms are displayed
in reverse order compared to the order in which they occurred: this means
that the last alarm generated is the first to be displayed. To delete the
alarms records, simply set parameter P0 to 0.
NOTE: To get to the P1 button the cover on the control panel must be remo
ved and the display board must be identified (fig. 37a).
Functioning of the display can be personalised by programming three pa-
Deletion of alarms records
(0 = records empty / 1 = records not empty)
Immediate activation of alarm record management
(0 = delayed records management activated / 1 =
immediate records management activated
Do not change
When button P1 on the display (fig. 37a) is held down for at least 10 sec,
the programming procedure is activated. The three parameters, with their
respective values, are shown in rotation on the display (fig. 37b). To edit a
parameter value, simply push the P1 button again when the required para
meter is displayed, and then hold it down until the value switches from 0 to
1 or vice-versa (approx. 2 sec).
The programming procedure is closed automatically after 5 minutes, or if
there is an electrical power failure.
4.5 Boiler configuration
There is a series of jumpers (JPX) available on the electronic board which
enable the boiler to be configured.
To access the board, proceed as follows:
- turn off the main switch on the system
- loosen the fixing screws on the housing, move the base of the housing
forwards and then upwards to unhook it from the chassis
- undo the fixing screws (
) from the instrument panel (fig. 14)
- loosen the screws (
- fig. 16) to remove the cover of the terminal board
JUMPER JP7 (fig. 38):
preselection of the most suitable heating temperature adjustment field ac
cording to the installation type.
Jumper not inserted - standard installation
rd installation 40-80°C
Jumper inserted - floor installation
Floor installation 20-45°C.
In the manufacturing phase, the boiler is configured for standard installa
Calibration (Range Rated)
Reset heating timer
Calibration (see paragraph on “Adjustments”)
Absolute domestic hot water thermostat selector