and to make changes from time to time in the contents hereof without obligation of this company to
notify any person of such revision or changes.
The object of this manual is to provide the most updated and accurate information to users, and, for
that reason, all contents may be edited without a fixed schedule and a prior notice. For the latest
version of the user manual, please visit
or select
BenQ Suggest
User Manual
at the main screen of Smart Stick. If you have not installed any app as a PDF reader
on your Smart Stick, go to
Google Play
™ and look for
OfficeSuite 8 + PDF Converter
install it. Display effects and available functions on PDFs vary from applicable PDF readers.
BenQ is not responsible for the content of the websites or of similar resources, which are
maintained and controlled by third parties, that may be linked from this product. Providing links to
those websites or to similar resources does not mean that BenQ makes any warranty or
representation to their content by expression or by implication.
Any third party content or service preinstalled in this product is provided “as is”. BenQ does not, by
expression or by implication, make any warrant to the content or to the services provided by third
parties. BenQ does not warrant or guarantee that the content or services provided by third parties
are accurate, effective, most up-to-date, legal, or complete. Under no circumstances shall BenQ be
liable for the content or services provided by third parties including their negligence.