Press the RAISE button until both ramps are approxi-
mately 3-4 feet off the ground.
Stop pressing the RAISE button and close the S3 and
S4 Valve Handles. All valve handles should be closed.
Open the S1 and S2 Valve Handles.
Press the LOWER button until the rear ends of the
ramps are almost to the floor. The front ends of the
ramps will still be raised.
Close S1 and S2 Valve Handles.
Open S3 and S4 Valve Handles.
Press the RAISE button until the front ends of both
ramps are fully raised. The rear ends of both ramps
will not be fully raised. This is normal.
Close the S3 and S4 Valve Handles.
Open the S1 and S2 Valve Handles.
Press the LOWER button until the rear of both ramps
lower to the floor. The front of both ramps will still be
raised. This is normal.
Proceed to STEP THREE.
STEP THREE - Hydraulic Air Bleeding - Filling the
Slave Cylinders
the S1 and S2 Valve Handles.
Press the RAISE button on the power console until the
rear of the both ramps are fully raise and the power
unit sound changes.
the S1 and S2 Valve Handles. All Valve
Handles should be closed.
Open the Main Valve Handle.
Press the LOWER button until both ramps are lowered
to the floor.
This completes Bleeding of the Hydraulic System.
Proceed to STEP FOUR.
STEP FOUR - Leveling - Equalizing Front to Back
Open MAIN valve. All other valves should be closed.
Press the RAISE button on the power console until
both ramps are at a convenient height for checking
level. Set the lift on locks.
Check the lift level while on locks using a level.
Press the RAISE button to lift the ramps off of the
Using the adjustabe threaded rods on the safety lock
ladders adjust ladders as appropriate to assure lift is
level on locks at your most commonly used height.
Press the RAISE button to lift the ramps off of the
Close MAIN valve. All other valves should be closed.
Check the level of the Right Ramp Assembly.
RAISE or LOWER until the rear of the ramp is level
with the front.
Check the level of the Left Ramp Assembly.
S1 and
RAISE or LOWER until the rear of the ramp is level
with the front.
CLOSE all valves.
Proceed to STEP FIVE.
STEP FIvE - Leveling - Levelling Ramps
Measure the height of each ramp.
either S3 (Right Ramp) or S4 (Left Ramp),
whichever is higher.
LOWER until the ramps are at the same height.
CLOSE all valves
the MAIN valve and LOWER the lift to the
Proceed to STEP SIX.
STEP SIX - Leveling - Final Height and Equalization
RAISE lift to full height and LOWER to the ground
four times.
Check the height and level of each ramp and com-
pare to the measurement in Step 5.
The optimum variance between corners is ½” or less.
NOTE: If all current processes have failed to equalize the
lift, consult the troubleshooting guide on the following page.
If troubleshooting options still fail, repeat process from the
If the lift is equalized, close the console doors and
proceed to the Operation section.
STEP SEvEN - Final Check
1. Run the lift up and down a few times to be sure that the
locks are engaging uniformly and that the safety release
mechanisms are functioning properly. Re-adjust if neces-
2. Drive a vehicle onto the lift making sure to set the
emergency brake before exiting the vehicle.
3. Cycle the lift up and down two times with a vehicle
loaded on the ramps to ensure that the locks are engag-
ing uniformly and that the safety release mechanisms are
functioning properly. Re-adjust if necessary.
Ramp Assemblies Properly Shimmed And Stable
Anchor Bolts Tightened
Pivot Pins Properly Secure
Electric Power Supply Confirmed
Equalizing Procedure Complete
Safety Locks Functioning Properly
Check For Hydraulic Leaks
Lubrication of Critical Components
All Screws, Bolts, and Pins Secured
Operation and Safety Manuals On Site
Perform an Operational Test With a Typical Vehicle