4 Troubleshooting
1) Terminal does not boot
If the terminal cannot boot after repeated pressing of the power switch when
connect to the power, the terminal power light remains off, the fan does not
operate, and the BIOS beeping is not heard, it might be power supply problems.
(a) Check the power adapter is plugged in correctly to the power outlet.
(b) Check the connection between the terminal and the power adapter, and then
re-boot the machine.
(c) If the terminal is working in high temperature environment that causes the
terminal automatically shut down in protection mode, please disconnect the
power of the machine. Wait until environment temperature has dropped and
(d) If the terminal does not boot after a sudden power failure or illegal shutdown,
unplug the adapter from the terminal, and press the power button several times.
Then plug in the adapter and boot again.
(e) If the adapter light blinks or go off, unplug the adapter immediately and do
not plugged in again. Contact with our products service center.
2) The terminal automatically restart (or shutdown)
If terminal is frequently automatic shutdown or auto-boot during operation (or
boot up),
(a) Check the power supply is connected properly; make sure the plug is not loose
and contacts are in good condition;
(b) Check if the AC line voltage is stable;
(c) A sudden power failure or improper shutdown may cause this problem. Press
F8 to boot system into safe mode and debug.
(d) If any new hardware is added or replaced that caused this problem, remove