Reference Manual
Power Analyzer EMM5
Rev. 11
In this menu item the following settings can be done:
ADDRESS: valid range is between 1 and 247.
BAUDRATE: selectable range is between 1200 and 38400.
PARITY: the following settings can be selected: even (8 data bits/1 stop bit), odd (8 data bits/1 stop bit), no (8
data bits/2 stop bits).
The settings for baud rate and parity must be the same for all bus devices. The address must be unique for each device.
MEAS. VAL. STOR. (optional)
This menu item is visibly only when the unit is equipped with the optional data logger (option –DM). Within the set time
interval, is formed from the detected values a mean value. If the interval is set to 0 min, the data logging is off. The
recording intervals can be synchronized via the digital input (DI) if necessary. For the DI can be adjusted if the
synchronization is done via a positive edge (HIGH) or negative edge (LOW). When synchronization via the DI, the time
interval to be terminated since this time will be used to monitor the synchronization. The monitoring of DI will be set in
the alarm menu, as is source “Sy.-DI” is used. For reading out the memory, an additional data cable (UMS9) and the
read out software is necessary.
Load defaults
In this submenu all parameters and alarm settings can be reset to standard values. All settings are lost!
Reset min/max
In this submenu minima and maxima of the measurement values can be reset. All available minima and maxima are
reset simultaneously!
Reset work
In this submenu all counters can be set to 0. All available counters are set to 0 simultaneously!
Clear Datalogger
In this menu, all values stored in the memory will erased.
Device info
This menu simply shows some information about the EMM5 device:
SW: software version e. g. 1.09.2