Instructions for use and installation instructions
You can regulate the secondary air supply using the two sliders on the top of the door.
Fasten these sliders once the necessary secondary air supply has been determined.
The permanent position of the sliders can usually be determined after the fire has burnt
for several hours.
Start by opening the holes under the sliders halfway.
If the chimney has a good draught, the sliders can remain completely closed.
After approx. 10 minutes, the fire will be burning fiercely. You can now top it up with a
few larger blocks of wood. Close the door when the new wood catches fire.
We recommend that you maintain a substantial layer of ash (2 - 3 cm). This not only
forms a protective layer for the base of the appliance but also significantly reduces
consumption of fuel and allows new wood to catch light easier.
When loading the fire with fuel, two blocks measuring 30 cm long and 30 cm in diame-
ter is sufficient. Do not add more fuel until the previous fuel has burned down to the
charcoal stage. Do not leave the door open longer than necessary.
Weather conditions
In order to reduce pollution and any other inconvenience, we advise not firing up the
fire when there is no wind, or in foggy/misty conditions.
Screw to fix the slider
2x sliders for
secondary air supply