SECTION S 1 8-4 1 1 - 1 00
A t this point:
(1) Station 20 may flash a second time to
�etum to the ori.�i.n.al con.n.ecti.on. with
station 30. Station 40 leaves the call by going
(2) Either 20 or 40 can flash a second time
to add 30 to the conversation (CADD), or
(3) Station 20 may disconnect from call by
going on-hook, leaving 30 connected to 40
Supervisory flash cannot be used to activate paging,
flexible conferencing, or remote answer.
If the station originating C HOLD
hangs up before the third station answers,
the 6B KTS calls the originating station back.
This prevents the held station being accidentally
The 6B KTS can furnish both standard and
optional features activated by dialing a 2-digit
access code (Table A ) and, where required, the
station code(s) to which the feature is directed.
The standard dial-activated features are flexible
dial conferencing (FLEX), do-not-disturb (DND),
call forwarding (CFWD), automatic callback (ACBK),
remote answer (REAN), and override.
A. Flexible Dial Canferencing
Conferencing on intercom of either three or
four parties (including originator) can be set
up by any 6B KTS station. To set up a conference
call of two stations plus the originating station
(assume station 20 wants to conference with stations
30 and 40):
(1) Depress intercom button (button should be
(2) When first dial tone is received, dial access
code 03.
(3) When second dial tone is received, dial code
of one station to be conferenced (30).
(4) When third dial tone is received, dial code
of other station to be conferenced (40).
Page 1 8
Audible ringback will be heard by station
20 and audible signals will operate at 30
and 40.
(6) When conference stations answer, talk path
is established to all parties.
If either of the conference stations
do not answer, the ring will time out after
approximately 12 seconds.
However, the
lamp will continue to flash at the unanswered
station for the duration of the conference call.
The unanswered station may enter the call
at any time while the lamp is flashing.
If a busy station (off-hook) is encountered while
setting up a conference call, busy tone will be
returned to the originator and the call procedure
Only station codes (10 through 69)
can be dialed in setting up conferences.
If a
feature, paging, or CO/PBX access code is dialed,
error tone will be returned when the invalid code
is dialed.
The procedure for setting up a 4-party
conference call is the same as covered in
paragraph 4.07 except that the access code is 04.
One additional dial tone will be received to permit
dialing the fourth station before all stations are
No cancellation of this feature is required.
The circuit returns to normal when all parties
go on-hook.
B. Do-Not-Disturb
4. 1 0
With the DND feature in effect, all 6B KTS
audible signals at the station activating the
feature are silenced. On incoming calls, the lamp
on the intercom button will flash as an indication
that the feature is in effect.
All stations can
originate DND. The automatic callback feature
cannot be used while a called station is in DND.
4. 1 1
Operation of DND is as follows:
(1) The feature is put into effect by dialing
the access code 06 from the station desiring
the feature. Acknowledgment tone is returned
to the user
indicate the feature is in effect.
The station can then hang up or switchhook
flash to originate another call.
BSP 518-411·100-i01_1978-08-18.jpg Scanned by Fra n k Harrell, (Cowboy Frank) Castle Rock, Colorado Oct 15, 2012 21:00:42