aDvanCeD seTTInGs
This screen enables you to change the wireless security settings such
as WPA or WEP.
We recommend leaving the settings you used when you went through
the Setup Wizard. By default, your Range Extender will use the same
security settings as your main network. However, if you wish, you may
specify different security settings here.
security Type: You may specify the type of security here. Available
options are WPA2/WPA, WEP, and None (no security). We recommend
you use the same type of security as your main router.
Password (Key):
For WPA2 security, this can be any set of characters from 8 to 63
characters in length, (only accept printable ASCII characters). For
WEP security, this must be a string of “hex characters” (0-9 or A-F).
(If you specify “None” for the security, this field will be hidden.) We
recommend you use the same password as your main router.
Obscure password:
If this box is checked, the password will be obscured in your browser
so that others cannot see it when you type it in.