V e l o c i t y K V M E x t e n d e r P r o d u c t M a n u a l , R e v . F , O c t . 2 0 2 1
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Appendix D- Keyboard/Mouse/Audio Control Options
Selectable KMASS/Separate KMASS
All KMASS data (keyboard, mouse, audio, serial. stereo 3D) sent from the TX unit is on fiber L1 along
with the video data.
User RX unit receives all KMASS data on fiber L1 along with video data.
Standard (Selectable KMASS):
The Tx unit is the same as above.
The RX unit can receive KMASS DATA on L1, L3, L4 and L5 along with video data. The RX unit will
select one input. Input selection is controlled by the TX unit
‘s L2 back-channel status. If the TX unit is
receiving valid data on L2 it will send KMASS data on its L1 fiber and a status signal indicating that it has
a good back-channel connection. Note that Audio is always sent on L1.
The RX unit detects valid back-channel status from the TX unit and will use KMASS data from the TX
unit with a valid back-channel. If multiple valid back-channels are received, L1 has the highest priority,
then L3, etc.
When no Tx has a valid back-channel, L1 is used and audio will still function.
Original (Additional forward KMASS):
Same as above: Selectable KMASS with the addition of a forward KMASS fiber (K1) on TX and RX unit.
K1 transfers KMASS data only, not video data. The additional fiber required for K1 can be elimated if you
use a BIDI optical option. K1 and L2 can be combined on one fiber at different wavelengths. Note that L2
can also be refered to as K2 on some units.
At the RX unit, K1 has priority over L1, L3, L4 and L5, but if the RX unit is not receiving data on K1 it will
then use L1, etc. for KMASS.
L2 works the same for all unit types. L2 transfers the KMASS data from the RX unit to the TX unit.
Forward KMASS only:
Same as above: Additional forward KMASS, except for the TX unit L1 output. L1 will only output video
data. Note that all TX units only output KMASS data on L1 and K1, not L3, L4, or L5.
Above are the present KMASS options. Other KMASS options can also be possible along with
redundancy options.
Selectable KMASS HID, USB 2.0 and Control Options
Velocity HID will still function with only one connection from the RX unit to the TX unit (L2). It is also
possible to control multiple CPU's from one RX unit if the L2 back-channel is connected to the TX units
and HID is used. The mouse may act erratically but will still function. Note that L2 should only be
connected from one RX unit to one TX unit. A broadcast connection of L2 to multiple units is incorrect
and should never be done.
USB 2.0
USB 2.0 will only control one CPU at a time. It requires a full duplex connection to function, typically L1
and L2. If L2 is broadcast to multiple TX units, USB 2.0 will only control one CPU. The CPU controlled by
USB 2.0 may be different, depending on what type of Velocity or T-Series extender is used.