V e l o c i t y K V M E x t e n d e r P r o d u c t M a n u a l , R e v . F , O c t . 2 0 2 1
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DDC Differences
A Transmitter gets its DDC table from the Receiver. Typically, the Transmitter and Receiver
tables match, but in the KM and KMA modes, there will be a mismatch. A Vel-4 Transmitter
uses DDC Table 1, a Vel-24 Transmitter uses Tables 1 and 2, etc. A Vel-34 Receiver will return
4 DDC tables to a Transmitter. When a Transmitter is connected to L4 or L5 on the Receiver, it
uses the DDC table for the monitor on L1 and L3.
Thinklogical therefore recommends using all
the same type of monitors.
To avoid a DDC mismatch, Thinklogical recommends using all the same type
of monitors in No Router Mode.
VEL-24 No Router Mode